RD: WWE “Tough Enough”, Week 6

Previously on “Tough Enough”…Why don’t you click on the following link.

Back at the “Tool Academy” house, Jeremiah is working out when Luke & Christina walk into the house.  Luke psyches out Jeremiah for a second saying that he was eliminated but they hug bromance style, Luke & Jeremiah go off somewhere in the house to goof off.  Christina walks into the dining room where Martin greets her & Ivelise wasn’t that happy to see her, Ivelise says she expected Christina to come back from elimination but she really wanted her gone but now she has to deal with it, Martin’s playing peace maker telling Christina to take Ryan’s room now that he’s gone, Christina’s telling Ivelise with attitude that she should take the room, Christina says that there’s hate now between her & Ivelise so she’s going to call Ivelise out on everything.  

WWE Tough Enough Opening Credits of MASSIVE HYPE!

New day begins inside the “Tough Enough“ training area where DeMott tells Martin to start the contestants off with exercises for the day.  Trish gets the contestants through another set of exercises with Booker T riding on the contestants & he gives Erick some extra attention since he’s struggling, Booker T gets into Erick’s face confronting him saying that he’s exhausted & he should take a seat since he’s so out of shape.  DeMott has Erick & A.J. doing drills in the ring while Trish is leading the contestants through some squat push-ups.  Back in the ring as DeMott has Ivelise & Christina in the ring doing drills & Ivelise is noticeably limping during drills, DeMott’s noticing that Ivelise & Christina can’t do anything together so what can they do together.  “Stone Cold” enters the training area & tells the contestants that this week’s Life Lesson is all about Focus; focus is definitely important when it comes to wrestling in the ring, making sure your opponent is okay during the match without any accidents (RD:”CHRISTINA!“), and you have to be focused to the audience around you so you can react to them while putting your personal business aside so focus is very important.  DeMott orders Luke & Jeremiah to go through Body Slam drills in the ring, Booker T & DeMott are noticing that Luke’s getting sloppy on his Slams, Jeremiah left the ring to spit up blood .  The Trainers get A.J. to do Body Slam drills with the practice dummy & Trish noticed that A.J.’s technique was completely backwards wrong, A.J.’s now Body Slamming Jeremiah now in drills with A.J’s slowly getting exhausted to the point he can’t lift Jeremiah anymore, DeMott orders A.J. to leave the ring.

*Commercial Break 1*

Back at the training center where DeMott orders Jeremiah to do some flying moves from the turnbuckle.  DeMott tells Jeremiah how to do the drill & he will start standing at the middle turnbuckle, “Stone Cold” chimes in by saying if Jeremiah’s scared he’ll let Luke or Martin start, Jeremiah says he’s not scared but he wants to start on the top turnbuckle though.  This gets a reaction from DeMott & “Stone Cold” thinking that Jeremiah may have gone a wee too far but they are going to let him do it.   Jeremiah’s starting the drill, “Stone Cold” says that Jeremiah’s “never say die” attitude is good but without experience he’s somewhat dangerous in the ring, Jeremiah’s on the middle turnbuckle to do a Flying Elbow but missed the dummy entirely, DeMott asks Jeremiah what did he learn, Jeremiah says that he got too much air, Andy’s next which gets praise from “Stone Cold” & DeMott; Luke’s next & he gets nothing from “Stone Cold” & DeMott, Martin’s next & he gets praise from “Stone Cold” & DeMott; Erick’s next & he killed the practice dummy as in he flattened it which got Trish grimacing in pain from looking at it while DeMott orders for a new dummy; Ivelise is struggling to Body Slam the dummy & she finally Body Slams the practice dummy then she lands the Flying Elbow which gets praise from “Stone Cold” & DeMott, “Stone Cold” checks on Ivelise to see if she’s okay, Ivelise walks out of the ring grabbing her leg.  Christina is next & so far she’s just Body Slamming & dropping elbows on the dummy & she bitch-slaps the dummy which gets a laugh from Booker T.  Christina lands the Flying Elbow which gets her praise from The Trainers.  DeMott ends training for the day & says that today was a great day of training & everybody’s happy but notices that Ivelise is missing.  DeMott tells Booker T that they need to go find Ivelise & thinks she might quit.

Ivelise is in the break room when DeMott & Booker T find her with DeMott expecting her to say that she quit, Ivelise says that her injury is feeling worse every time she tries to do drills which is effecting her performance, Booker T says that Ivelise isn’t in a great position now & how much pain she can endure will depend on how far she can go, Ivelise tells Booker T that she does understand that, DeMott says that injuries do happen so you move on, Booker T tells the story of how Triple H tore his quad muscle during the match but he finished the match anyways because it’s what pro wrestlers would do, DeMott says to Ivelise that she’s not a quitter & she owes DeMott a beer for this conversation.  DeMott face palms Ivelise.

*Commercial Break 2*

Some funky rope course is in the shot as the contestant run over to meet “Stone Cold”.  “Stone Cold” tell the contestants about the rope course with this man…

Guest WWE6. John Morrison (a.k.a. “John Hennigan”, a.k.a. “Johnny Blaze”, a.k.a. “Johnny Onyx”, a.k.a. “Johnny Spade”, a.k.a. “Johnny Superstar”, a.k.a. “Johnny Nitro”, a.k.a. “A lot of damn names!”):  Former “Tough Enough” Contestant.  Multiple WWE Tag Team & Intercontinental champion & also former WWECW World Champion.  Morrison is probably more famous for his relationship with WWE Diva Melina & the antics that surround it more than anything as well as being called “The Marty Jannety” in his former Tag Team by his former partner The Miz.

Morrison tells the contestants that focus is probably the most important thing they have to do in WWE & the rope course represents this more than anything right now.  Morrison tells the contestants that what they are doing right now is hard work but it does pay off. “Stone Cold” tells the contestants they must start at the bottom of the rope course then work their way to the top then use a zip line to reach the bottom again.

(RD: “They have to go something similar like this?!?  Great Googly Moogly!”)

The “Rope Course Life Lesson Challenge” begins!  Martin’s first on the rope course & he says that it was pretty high up there so it’s a balancing act, Morrison says that it looks more difficult than he thought it was.  “Stone Cold” tells Morrison that someone is going to fall.  A.J.’s is next on the course, while Martin’s having difficulty crossing a rope bridge Jeremiah is next on the course followed by Ivelise.  Martin’s swinging wildly down the zip line with A.J. & Jeremiah following him.  Ivelise is working on the balancing beam & is having some difficult time doing the rope crawl in the course mostly because she needs her legs to move.  Morrison sees Ivelise in trouble so he volunteers to help her out.  Morrison climbs on the rope course, he says he wanted to do it so he can help encourage her, Morrison & “Stone Cold” are yelling out words of encouragement for Ivelise, Morrison’s reaches his hand out to help Ivelise out, Ivelise is struggling but the pain is too great & she falls off the rope course.  Morrison asks Ivelise if she’s okay & tells her to step onto his platform.  Morrison is cheering Ivelise on to complete the course, Ivelise finally gets on the zip line.  “Stone Cold” tell the remaining contestants to get on the course.  Andy’s next on the course & “Stone Cold” & Morrison noticed how Andy’s doing really well on the rope course.  Luke’s next on the course while Andy’s slides down on the zip line screaming like a little baby.  “Stone Cold” rides Luke some more as Luke goes down the zip line.  Erick’s next on the course, “Stone Cold” cheers Erick on…then Erick gets tied up on the rope bridge.  “Stone Cold” laughs at Erick’s misery as Christina’s on the rope course now; “Stone Cold” says that Erick’s screwed, Christina walks over Erick in the course.  As Erick is struggling to get to a more vertical base on the rope course & Christina’s going down the zip line; “Stone Cold” tells Morrison about how Erick has some great in-ring performances then he just craps out all of a sudden.  Erick finally gets up, then he falls again, “Stone Cold” asks Erick if he needs help, Erick says no, Erick tries to complete the course but he’s been there for over 30 minutes…then 50 minutes where he’s just hanging around (RD:”And I wish it was the “Counting Crows” song too.“) …then 1 hour 30 minutes where “Stone Cold” tells Erick that he’s done so he’s sending help up for Erick’s safety.  The people who operate the rope course get Erick out of there & lower him down.  Erick’s hanging his head in shame with “Stone Cold” at least praising him for not quitting & told Erick that he had to pull him for his safety. “Stone Cold” asks Morrison if he has any advice for the contestants, Morrison says don’t worry about stuff you can’t control but just deal with it.  “Stone Cold” sends the contestants home to rest up for the “Skills Challenge” & elimination.

*Commercial Break 3*

Back at the training area where “Stone Cold” enters to tell the contestants what the “Skills Challenge” will be for this week.  The “Skills Challenge” for this week is called “Pop a Squat.” (RD:”A.K.A. “The Randy Orton”.“) The objective of this week’s “Skills Challenge” is that each contestants to climb a top turnbuckle, then they must do squats on the top turnbuckle 15 times each, then they must hold the squat pose until they drop.  Whoever drops is eliminated.

The “Pop a Squat Skills Challenge” Begins!  “Stone Cold” says that Group 1 is Andy, Ivelise, Jeremiah, & Martin.  Each of them climb a top turnbuckle, Andy looks like he’s having some balance issues, DeMott orders the contestants to have their hands behind their heads, Andy’s not doing it because he’s afraid of getting a good balance on the turnbuckle, the contestants are doing the squats, DeMott notices that Andy’s behind, DeMott eliminates Andy, Andy’s pissed & shows his rage by beating up the practice dummies, DeMott orders the remaining Group to hold the pose but the remaining Group members are struggling trying to hold the squat position, Martin loses his balance & accidentally touches DeMott so he’s eliminated.  Ivelise & Jeremiah move on.  Next Group is Luke, Christina, A.J. & Erick.  Erick’s struggling to keep his balance, the Group try to do the squats, A.J. slips & DeMott notices so he’s eliminated; Erick struggles to do his squats until he falls off the turnbuckle so he’s eliminated.  Luke & Christina move on. DeMott tells the remaining contestants that for this round Andy & Erick will bounce off the ropes while they are doing the Challenge until two are eliminated.  The remaining contestants are in the squat position, Andy & Erick are bouncing off the ropes, Ivelise & Christina fall off the top turnbuckle so “The Bromance” advances.  DeMott changes the Challenge yet again.  This time Jeremiah starts the Challenge by Body Slamming the dummy, then bounce off the ropes for an Elbow Drop on the dummy, then climb the turnbuckles for a Flying Elbow on the dummy, then Jeremiah leaves the ring so Luke can do the Challenge.  Jeremiah starts the Challenge & DeMott noticed that Jeremiah started it off slow, Jeremiah did the Flying Elbow & missed it by a mile; Luke’s next & he says that even though Jeremiah & himself are excited as friends he wants The Trainers to know that he wants this.  Luke lands the Flying Elbow perfectly following with a mock pin.  “Stone Cold” announces that Luke wins the “Skills Challenge”.

“Stone Cold” announces that he & The Trainers will go into his office to determine The Bottom Three.

*Commercial Break 4*

In “Stone Cold’s” office where “Stone Cold” says that this week has been interesting YET AGAIN & he wants to start off first with Jeremiah, Booker T says that Jeremiah refuses to lose & he’ll do whatever it takes to win & he almost came close to winning the “Skills Challenge”; “Stone Cold” says that Jeremiah continues to impress since Jeremiah has heart & is really coachable, Booker T says that Jeremiah’s lack of pro wrestling experience has shown to be the most improved of the contestants, DeMott says that Jeremiah is now at the same skill level as the rest of the contestants now so how far will his lack of pro wrestling experience will take him.  “Stone Cold” wants to talk about Luke & how solid a worker he is, Booker T says Luke’s focused was “dialed in”, “Stone Cold” says that Luke was pretty impressive.  “Stone Cold” talks about Andy, Booker T says Andy’s out of his comfort zone, DeMott says Andy’s not likely to ever be on the top rope, Trish says that Andy’s eyeing to take the head spot.  “Stone Cold” talks about Erick next & how he failed the “Life Lesson Challenge”, Booker T says Erick’s a huge disappointment.  “Stone Cold” brings up Ivelise’s rough times in the “Life Lesson Challenge” & her injury, Booker T mentions how Ivelise always brings up that she’s hurt, “Stone Cold” questions if Ivelise is using her injury to her advantage but thinks her injury is legit, Trish says that Ivelise is injured & if Ivelise shows up hurt then she’s wouldn’t be working. “Stone Cold” talks about Christina, DeMott says that being in The Bottom Three last week shook Christina up & now they are seeing what Christina can be as a WWE Diva.  (RD:”Botches & all eh DeMott?“) Finally “Stone Cold” talks about A.J., Trish says she doesn’t notice A.J., “Stone Cold” thought A.J. would be more of a high-flyer, DeMott says that A.J’s happy to be here with Booker T agreeing with DeMott, “Stone Cold” asks DeMott if A.J.’s WWE material, DeMott says no.

“Stone Cold” & The Trainers come out of “Stone Cold’s” office.  “Stone Cold” announces The Bottom Three for the week are Erick, A.J., & Ivelise.  “Stone Cold” orders The Bottom Three to go back to the house, pack up, bring their Replica Belts, & return to the training area where “Stone Cold” will be waiting for them.

Back at the “Tool Academy” house.  Martin wonders why A.J.’s in The Bottom Three, Andy says that A.J’s a “dweeb” & he sucks.  Martin says that he’s okay with A.J. gone from the show.  A.J’s asking how Erick’s doing, Erick says that before he wasn’t certain that he would get eliminated but with previous experience before he reveals that being in The Bottom Three feels awful, Erick tells A.J. that what happens in elimination STAYS in elimination with A.J. telling Erick that it’s “business as usual”.  Erick & A.J. think that Ivelise is definitely gone.  Ivelise is starting to pack when she notices that her leg is now getting swollen, Ivelise is trying to move her leg but she can’t due to the massive pain she’s feeling & says that this is her life & she doesn’t want to go home as she cries in pain.

*Commercial Break 5*

The Bottom Three arrive at the “Tough Enough” training area & as all of them get inside of the ring.  “Stone Cold” enters the training area & the elimination ceremony begins.

“Stone Cold” checks in to see how everybody’s doing, Erick’s says it’s a rough day in “the office”.

(RD:”Erick works for “Dunder Mifflin?”  No way!“)

”Stone Cold” notes Erick remarks & goes to A.J. first.  “Stone Cold” asks how A.J’s doing, A.J. says he has better days, “Stone Cold” agrees with A.J. & asks A.J. to describe himself.  A.J. says he’s on the show to learn from the best in the world to become one of the best in the world, “Stone Cold” responds by saying he may be called “the best in the world” but he’s not a miracle worker.  “Stone Cold” says that A.J.’s a nice guy & would make the perfect next door neighbor but wants A.J. to give him a great explanation on why he should spend money on him to perform in a WWE ring, A.J. says when he gets in that ring he will inspire “Stone Cold” in an indescribable way, “Stone Cold” calls A.J. out on what he calls BS & wants to know about his back-up plan, A.J. says to find another way into WWE if he can’t win the show, “Stone Cold” asks if A.J. can find another way, A.J. says he can, “Stone Cold” asks A.J. if he loves pro wrestling, A.J. says yes, “Stone Cold” says that if A.J. likes being a pro wrestler how come he’s failed on being noticeable especially when A.J. failed by doing his top rope move fearing A.J. will kill himself & “Stone Cold” asks A.J. how many “Skills Challenges” he’s won; A.J. says none.

“Stone Cold” goes over to Erick & mentions that his cardio training hasn’t improved at all, Erick agrees with “Stone Cold” saying he hasn’t improved his cardio but it’s JUST THAT the workouts are harder.  “Stone Cold” yells at Erick sarcastically saying that he should go to The Trainers saying they should go easy on Erick.  “Stone Cold” continues the tearing down of Erick by writing a fake note to The Trainers saying that Erick wants easier workouts, Erick says no he doesn’t want easier workouts but says he’s pushing himself to the limit, “Stone Cold” says to Erick that he pushes himself to the limit every day, Erick agrees with “Stone Cold”, “Stone Cold” calls Erick out for being “full of s**t”, Erick says he’s not, “Stone Cold” says that Erick “hit the wall” at the “Life Lesson Challenge” & how Erick’s was tangled up in the rope course & he thinks Erick may have slept WHILE tangled up in the rope course, Erick denies going to sleep in the course, “Stone Cold” says that the show is just an example to what WWE life will be & he thinks Erick has the potential to be somebody but it’s up to Erick to do something about it.

“Stone Cold” goes over to Ivelise next.  “Stone Cold” asks Ivelise her “pain level” & tells Ivelise that he can see her in pain when she works out or doing any of the challenges & tells her that if it wasn’t for the EPIC BOTCH & her injury she wouldn’t even be in the Bottom Three at all & believes Ivelise does belong in a WWE ring, AND…

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin (to Ivelise): “But I gotta go based on what you can do.  I gotta do what I gotta do.“ (“Stone Cold” holds out his right hand)

Ivelise Velez (crying): “I understand.  It’s just that it kills me.”

Ivelise surrenders her Replica Belt to “Stone Cold”.  “Stone Cold” shakes Ivelise’s hand wishing her well.  “Stone Cold” mentions that tonight it’s…A DOUBLE ELIMINATION!

“Stone Cold” asks A.J. if he wants to hand over his Replica Belt, A.J. says that “Stone Cold” has to pry it from HIS COLD DEAD HANDS!  “Stone Cold” compares A.J. to mowed grass saying that it you stare at it long enough you can see the grass grow again even though it’s boring but it does happen.  “Stone Cold” tells A.J. that the slackers are now gone from the show & it’s getting down to the nitty-gritty here & that A.J. could be gone.  “Stone Cold” goes back & forth staring between A.J. & Erick; then he goes over to Erick telling him that it takes a special person to be in a WWE ring & a person that wants it real bad as Ivelise does & asks if Erick’s motivated enough to win the show, Erick says that he’s motivated enough.  And…

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin (to Erick): “Well you’ve got to go home now because I’m taking your belt.”

Erick takes it all in then saying that it’s not the end for him.  “Stone Cold” says that Erick has flashes of brilliances but that’s it.  Erick surrenders his Replica Belt to “Stone Cold” & thanks him for being on the show.  “Stone Cold” tells A.J. that he hopes he lit a fire under him or else he’s going home soon.

Ivelise Velez’s Post-Elimination Interview:  It kills her that the EPIC BOTCH had to happen which caused her injury & she felt that this was her time & she was going to show everybody that she was going to win the WWE contract but she feels happy that she never quit & she never will.
(RD:”It’s a rare thing in Reality TV when you get eliminated by injury because most of the time eliminations happen by either “vote” or “scheming”.  I hope Ivelise is well enough by now & I hope she does get into a WWE ring soon & if not WWE then TNA.  Hey, Dixie Carter LOVES her Reality TV Stars!“)

Erick Watts’s Post-Elimination Interview:  It sucks right now & it feels like he failed.  Winning the show would had changed his family’s life & he thought he was ready for life being a WWE wrestler but he’s obviously not ready but he was able to learn from the best in the world.  He learned never quit & just keep going.
(RD:”I’m not going to miss Erick but I’m happy he’s gone because now pro wrestling fans could start to remember the OTHER Erik Watts, the white guy who sucked in the ring related to “Cowboy” Bill Watts.“)

In his office “Stone Cold” says that he won’t write Erick out of pro wrestling since he has a great look & flashes of brilliance but as much potential as he has he just doesn’t have it to be in WWE.  “Stone Cold” wishes Ivelise all the luck in the world then the EPIC BOTCH happened & she needs to fight through injuries but he really hopes one day we will see her in a WWE ring.  “Stone Cold” hangs up Erick’s & Ivelise’s Replica Belts “Hell’s Kitchen” style!

Next Time: The BOTCHFEST continues when “Un-Divas” Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, & The Bella Twins visit the contestants then take them out for a night on the town (RD:”I hope none of the contestants get too close to The Bellas since they’ve been passed around more times than a church collection plate.“) with the male contestants “going too far”.  Injuries are piling up left & right for the contestants with “Stone Cold” promising “devastating consequences”.