Ash vs Evil Dead S1E5 “The Host”

*Spoiler Aheads*

It took a few episodes but it finally feels like the entire cast of Ash vs Evil Dead is starting to click and it couldn’t have happened in a better episode.

After the ending last week, where Ash battled Eligos in his mind and almost strangled the Eligos-possessed Kelly in the real world. Ash has been blamed as the one possessed and the brujo is planning to perform an exorcism on our hero. The scene is a terrific start as Campbell manages to make you understand exactly what he’s yelling out even as his mouth if covered with rope.

Ash actually stays to the sideline for the majority of this episode, even after being freed. Instead we get a focus on Pablo, who until this week was strictly the comedic sidekick of our hero but Pablo proves himself to be a hero in his own way and he might just end up being the heart of this little show.

Pablo is almost seduced (and subsequently murdered) by Keligos but manages to stay his adorable little self through the whole ordeal, clearly freaked out by Kelly’s sudden turn into being so forward with him. He eventually becomes the one to get Eligos to come out by offering himself up for possession. While this directly leads to his brujo’s demise it also saves Kelly and reveals Pablo’s destiny. He left the life of the brujo to try and find his own path and now he has.

That isn’t to say Pablo is the only one getting all the fun this week. Dana DeLorenzo gets to show off another side as the possessed Kelly including her best Linda Blair impression with some very obvious The Exocist references. DeLorenzo manages to make Keligos seem terrifying even when tied up and produces some of the most disturbing parts of this week’s episode.

While Ash sits back for much of the episode he is the one who finally finishes off Eligos when he sticks to his own motto, “shoot first ask questions never.” I enjoyed Eligos’ tenure on the show as it created a different enemy for Ash and pals to face down. I hope we see more of that kind of thing in the future.

Ash also gets a new hand from Pablo and it turns out Pablo is also pretty good at Macgyvering when he needs to. With all that business done the group heads out and back on the road.

It didn’t dawn on me until after the credits rolled but this was actually the first episode of the show that stayed in one location. We were here last week and we stayed here until the end this week. It’s even more impressive that the show managed to continue to find ways of making the brujo’s place interesting and a little conflict with a mind demon doesn’t hurt with that.

The gang are back on the road and it doesn’t seem like there’s a clear path for them, at least not from anything Ash says, but it won’t be long now before they cross paths with Ruby and things take yet another turn for our heroes.

Bits ‘n Pieces

  • It was a shame to see the brujo go but it needed to happen for Pablo to grow. I’m interested to see what the business with that necklace is.
  • Speaking of Ruby, there’s a brief scene with her and Fisher this week and while it’s fine I’m just hoping they don’t hold off much longer on them meeting up with Ash.
  • “I know this really great Taylor Swift song…”
  • “Thanks guys, I’m gonna shove this right up some Deadite’s ass.”

Jesse Swanson is a would-be writer, podcaster and funny guy who covers TV shows of all shapes and sizes. You can find him on Twitter @JesseSwanson