We Are CHIKARA: Reintroduction


Well, hello there. Remember me? A couple years, I embarked on a little journey of becoming FAN’s resident “CHIKARA Guy”, offering up previews for upcoming events that I called the “Preview-A-Go-Go” (I’ll admit that was not the best of names…I’m trying to think of something better) that was around from their first foray into iPPV, “High Noon” until around (going from memory) “I’ll Be A Mummy’s Uncle” a couple months later. And while I had fun with it, I felt like something was missing. Not to mention, I was going through a rough cynical phase in wrestling. But, it’s all passed and during my time off from writing…well, nothing big really happened.

Just CHIKARA being shut down for almost a year.

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

Yeah, I guess you can qualify that as “kind of a big deal” (*Alberto Del Rio wink*) if you must.

If you’ve been watching or following CHIKARA, then you know the gist of the story. But for those who don’t follow or have wondered, “Why in the blue heck did a company that was regarded as one of the best independent companies in the world shut down?” then here is the general story. I originally had a column where I was going to write about what has happened since the shut down of the company, but honestly, the company itself put together a short 3-part series for anybody who wants to wonder what is going on, and I’ll link them kindly here.

Part I: Dusk
Part II: Darkness
Part III: Dawn

The “short short version” is this…at CHIKARA’s last event “Aniversario: Never Compromise” saw a main event where within inches of capturing the Grand Championship from Eddie Kingston, Icarus saw his dream being dashed away by current “Director of Fun” Wink Vavasseur’s security, known as Condor Security. They trashed the ring, they trashed the sets, and they told everybody to leave and that the show was over. Mass hysteria! The following day, the 2nd half of the 2013 CHIKARA calendar was canceled, the titles and everything regarding the company was auctioned off, the company as we knew it was dead and gone.

In stepped in the Winged Warrior, Icarus and a battle cry that is forever resonated in the hearts and minds of the CHIKArmy…”I AM CHIKARA!”

Icarus tried to rally troops to his cause by using fan petitions and secret shows (which led to a fan being kidnapped by Condor, which led to a scavenger hunt) for guys on the roster to support him, to little avail. Meanwhile, the villains of CHIKARA’s past started to band together to try and take out the heart of what CHIKARA meant for good, by targeting the “Wrestling Is…” promotions that followed since the “death” of the company and either ending them or taking them over for their own.

you-only-live-twice-easton-pa1At National Pro Wrestling Day though however this past February is when it all changed, as the villains stormed the ring and we found out their ring master…the one and only Jimmy Jacobs. Surrounding Icarus, Hallowicked, Dasher Hatfield, The Colony, and Wrestle Factory students alike, they were seemingly about ready to deal the final blow. But alas, it was a trap for the “flood” of enemies. CHIKARA was alive and kicking harder than ever before. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes (along with a DeLorean), it wasn’t going anywhere. And as the enemies ran with their tails between their legs, Icarus gave us all a message and a date.

05.25.14, “Tell ‘em! Tell the world! We’re coming back!”

And here we are, “You Only Live Twice”. A fitting name for a return show.

But this time, CHIKARA will be going absolutely nowhere.