A Dviant Disquisition: T’s

I know the coverage of Night Moves was meant to continue, this week, but one of the drawbacks of being live on videotape is that if your busty co-host isn’t available, you don’t have a recording. I know my readers loooooove big tits on video, so I know I shouldn’t rush into that event review just yet. Instead, we’ll chat about one of my favourite topics – custom porn shirts!

Custom shirts have long been a hobby of mine, dating back to high school. I like cute and/or ironic slogans, but none ever captured what I felt. I’ll spare you the awesome details, because I’m guessing 85% of my readers don’t read anything anyway. So lets jump right to the porn shirts, with this classic here:

This was my first Sophie shirt, and it was a hit! Actually got asked by a few people on where they could buy the shirt. I made two other Sophie shirts the next year they were pretty popular too:

I had some good ones I haven’t gotten to wear either:

Here’s an awesome one I made for meeting Vicky Vette and Sara Jay for the first time. It’s not quite what I wanted, but I think Megaman and the VNA was a fun combination.

To single-out one of the girls on the shirt, Sasha Sparks was one of my earliest interviews and taught me me all about the wild world of fetishes.

And finally here’s one I made but never had the opportunity to wear since Louisa retired

To summarize the nothing I said, it’s very fun making these things and the girls (and fans) seem to appreciate them. Thanks for visiting, and come back next week for streaming cleavage!