Ash vs Evil Dead S1E6 “The Killer of Killers”

*Spoilers Ahead*

We’re halfway through the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead and it’s begun to put the pieces together for what looks to be this season’s endgame.

Before we get there, however, there are other matters to attend to. Such as Amanda Fisher, the police officer who has been hunting Ash down ever since Deadites killed her partner. She has spent the last couple episodes tracking Ash with Ruby but when she seemingly dies (trust me, she’s not dead) Amanda is left on her own to hunt down our groovy hero.

Fisher has been the least compelling character on the show from the start but finally clearing the air between her and Ash creates a nice dynamic that will hopefully give her some room to grow. It already seems to be working as her scenes with Ash are her best yet.

Speaking of El Jefe, while he took a backseat last week, Ash returns to the forefront when he ends up trying to pay his bill at a diner by promising the waitress to “string her racket.” It’s Ash at his sleaziest but also his funniest. The comedy doesn’t last long though as Fisher shows up to apprehend him and just as it looks like Ash has earned a ticket to the slammer, The Force shows up to wreak havoc once again.

After the past couple of episodes have spent it’s time exploring the more cerebral aspects of this show, this week we finally get back to what made Evil Dead such a cult favorite, it’s use of gore. Nothing and nobody is safe once the diner is attacked, kids are hurled into ceiling fans, knives and ice skates go flying into peoples heads and that’s before we get to the deli slicer.

Ash, of course, proves himself to Fisher the only way he knows how, by killing all the baddies in sight. After all, he calls himself “the killer of the killers” for a reason. He isn’t the only one who gets to have fun of course.

Pablo and Kelly are both reeling from Kelly’s possession by Eligos and they decide to take out their frustrations on the latest batch of Deadites. Well, mostly Kelly, who takes one into the back and begins putting their face through the meat slicer. It’s a gory, gross and hilarious scene all at once. Kelly’s rage after everything she’s been through is understandable but I’m hoping it continues to be an element and wasn’t just the set-up for a fun joke.

With all the chaos over and the world saved for another day, Ash and his friends head off but not before Ash offers Fisher a spot on the team. He says he could use someone with her skillset but it’s not exactly clear if that’s why he wants her to come along or if it’s her “other gifts” that are holding his interest. Regardless, the group heads off with a new member and boy are they gonna need the help. Ash has resolved to head back to where it all started, the cabin and if there’s anything we’ve learned from the other times we’ve seen it, only pain and suffering await.

Bits ‘n Piece

  • To elaborate on the Ruby situation, the skeleton of the brujo accuses Ruby of betrayal and then throws her into the fire. Interesting isn’t it?
  • Also, Ash’s possessed hand has disappeared. I imagine that will end badly.
  • We also get to see an old buddy of Ash’s this week who seems to be a huge doomsday nut. He gets possessed at the end of the episode so I imagine we’ll see more of him.
  • Continuing the theme of ending on some classic rock, this week we get Styx’s “Renegade” as our closer. It fits Ash pretty well, I suppose.
  • “Always be stockpiling. That’s my motto.” “That’s a dumb motto.”

Jesse Swanson is a would-be writer, podcaster and funny guy who covers TV shows of all shapes and sizes. You can find him on Twitter @JesseSwanson