Ash vs Evil Dead S1E2 “Bait”

*Spoilers Ahead*

After the stellar first episode of Ash vs Evil Dead it felt like going into this week’s episode that there was even more pressure to not ruin everything than last week. After all, this episode didn’t have Raimi behind the wheel and the thrills of the first episode might start to seem a little overdone when exposed to us again after just a week. Thankfully, “Bait” more than delivers and proves that this show, much like it’s titular lead, has a lot left in the tank.

The episode opens right where we left off last week with Ash back in the saddle and Pablo and Kelly by his side. That doesn’t last long, however, as Kelly takes off with Pablo’s scooter and goes to see her parents. See, Kelly’s mother has returned after being presumed dead and this is troubling when there are Deadites roaming the world.

I’ll admit to not being sure how well the half hour format would work for this show but my god is 30 minutes the perfect time for these episodes. There’s no room for filler when you have that small of a time frame and literally everything in this episode feels needed. Whether it’s Pablo and Ash battling their, newly dead boss, while Deep Purple’s “Highway Star” blares on the soundtrack or the tense and hilarious dinner Ash and Pablo have with Kelly’s parents.

Speaking of that dinner, this show manages an almost perfect balance of humor and horror and the scenes involving Kelly’s mother (a very game, Mimi Rogers) are perfect. It should come as no surprise that she is a Deadite but the show keeps us wondering if it might just be playing up Ash’s asshole nature.

One of the things I’ve enjoyed of these two episodes is the focus on something only hinted at in the Evil Dead films. In any situation that doesn’t involve fighting the forces of evil, Ash is a huge ass. This idea has never been more clear than it was tonight at that dinner table. Ash is convinced that Kelly’s mother is a Deadite and resorts to straight up punching her in the face to do it. “Oh good, I was starting to feel like a dick!” Ash shouts when she takes her true form.

On any other show, I might have taken exception to Ash being proven right despite being an ass about it all but here it just works. Ash, for all his terrible tendencies, is still a decent person trying to save the world. He’s an asshole, yes, but he’s also the only person on the planet seemingly capable of going toe-to-toe with these things. (Give or take a Lucy Lawless but the jury’s still out on her.)

In the end, Ash has to kill Kelly’s mother and even comments on Kelly’s situation being similar to his own. (“You’re kind of like me, Deadites ruined your life and you’re hot as hell.”) With the trio now firmly established it’s off to Books from Beyond but they won’t be heading there alone as Officer Fisher is now a step ahead of them. Where ever the show goes from here you can bet on one thing, it’s solidified it’s self as one of the most original shows on TV, not bad for a revival of a 30-year plus movie franchise.

Bits ‘n Pieces

  • Thankfully, it’s looking like the police officer following Ash will meet up with him next week. I’m glad the show isn’t wasting time having us wait for that as her journey hasn’t exactly been compelling yet.
  • I, for one, am hoping that Deep Purple becomes a recurring staple on this show.
  • “We had to cut it up with my chainsaw…arm.”
  • “I’m actually a hunter and I’ve never seen a deer explode.” “Well maybe you’re not hunting the right deer.”
  • “I remember when I was like you. Young, dumb, full of…conflicting emotions…”

Jesse Swanson is a would-be writer, podcaster and funny guy who covers TV shows of all shapes and sizes. You can find him on Twitter @JesseSwanson