Fear the Walking Dead S1E4 “Not Fade Away”

*Spoilers Ahead*

After the ending to last week’s episode I was curious to see where Fear The Walking Dead went now that the army has intervened and while not all of it is interesting the show seems to be taking the necessary steps towards keeping us invested.

For one, all of the characters are given something to do and they all have some sort of story going on. This is something Fear‘s parent show has also struggled with and thankfully this show manages to craft some fun stories that actually deepen some of the characters.

Travis and Madison are at different ends of the spectrum with the army now sectioning off their neighborhood. Travis desperately hopes for the best and attempts to make friends with the generally uncaring Lt. Moyers but things seem off, especially with the lack of real answers about the epidemic. The lack of answers takes it’s toll on Madison this week as she struggles with the lack of knowledge leading to her trip outside and finally discovering what it’s like out there.

Elsewhere, Travis’ son, Chris, spots a light of some sort in the distance when filming and tries to convince anyone who will listen to check it out. Travis, naturally, doesn’t believe him but by episode’s end he hears gunshots and his worst fears become realized. I have to imagine the show is going to fake us out about what is going on with that light and it’d certainly be interesting to see it be something other than the standard “evil government” deal that it currently looks like.

Travis’ ex-wife, Liza, meanwhile, is helping out those in need by pretending to be a nurse. When she is exposed by an actual doctor sent by the government her reasoning for lying, because no one would let her help the sick otherwise, shows off her heart and makes her decision to head off with the army to help the sick at the end of this week’s episode make sense.

It doesn’t mean the other characters have to like it though. In final moments of the episode the army collect Ms. Salazar, informing Daniel in the process that he can not go with her. Then, they go to grab Nick and everyone freaks out. The scene is well paced and it ratchets the tension well as the army quickly try to grab hold of the situation and it leads to a lot of yelling and gun pointing.

While the show is mostly successful in keeping it’s characters busy this week two characters are a bit underused, Alicia and Ophelia. Alicia finds a suicide note from their neighbor and then does some shady tattoo work with a needle. Ophelia’s little bit this week has me more worried as it involves her making out with one of the army dudes. I’m sure this will be fleshed out in the final episodes of the season but it’s a bit disheartening that this is all we get from two of the females this week. At least Madison and Liza are holding it down.

Fear The Walking Dead continues to improve upon itself with each episode and while I’m uneasy about where they’ll go with the main plot I’m invested for the most part. Now bring on the zombies.

Bits ‘n Pieces

  • Chris’ video thing is kind of cool I guess but I could not stand his faux-poetic documentary ramble at the beginning.
  • How awesome is Ruben Blades as Daniel? He doesn’t get a lot to do this week but he steals the episode with his exchange with Madison. Please, for the love of god. don’t kill him off.
  • Seriously, that tattoo stuff was super stupid. I understand the point but damn, Alicia, you think maybe it’s not a smart idea to stab yourself with a needle when the government is collecting people who have any chance of being infected with anything?

Jesse Swanson is a would-be writer, podcaster and funny guy who covers TV shows of all shapes and sizes. You can find him on Twitter @JesseSwanson