TwitterView: Author of “One Small Town, One Crazy Coach,” Mike Roos


Mike Roos wears a lot of hats.

See? That’s at least one of them. I met Mike at the University of Cincinnati’s Blue Ash campus. He’s a professor there. That career would be enough for most people, but not for Mr. Roos. As you can see on, he is a musician and author. I’ve seen him perform his music and if you like acoustic, somewhat folk inspired tunes, I’d advise you to check it out. His most recent endeavor is the book I mentioned in the title, “One Small Town, One Crazy Coach”. The book recounts the run of Pete Gill as he coaches the Ireland High School Spuds to their first and only championships. You can also pick that up at his website. Now for the TwitterView:


1.If you could trade places with any famous athlete, who would you pick?

Babe Ruth. The guy could hit it a mile and seemed to have the world by the tail.


2.What 1990s film title best describes your life?

Saving Private Ryan: feels like I’m storming Normandy beach every day


3.What is your best dance move?

The chicken flop


4.What does the word “great” mean to you?

Better than pretty good


5.Pick one Rolling Stone’s song that best describes your life and explain why?

Beast of Burden: Never, never, never gonna be…well, maybe sometimes


6.What’s the number one reason you lose sleep?

Thinking about why I can’t sleep.


7.What is your favorite quote?

“He not busy being born is busy dying.” Bob Dylan


8.If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?

Take deep breaths; help your neighbor when he needs it, leave him alone when he doesn’t; clean up your messes; & whistle while you work.