EvilutionE5150 Album Review: TANKARD – “R.I.B.”

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The masters of Teutonic Party Thrash Metal have returned. Formed in 1984 and one of the much respected and revered Teutonic Big 4 of Thrash along side Sodom, Kreator and Destruction, Tankard have been thrashing fast and party hard for years and have never compromised or change up there style and this album is no different.

R.I.B., the 16th studio album, is more of what Tankard do best, write fantastic thrash metal party anthems and when you’ve been doing it as long as they have you should have definitely perfected it by now.

Gerre’s voice is still on point, It hasn’t changed in years and the rest of the band is still as tight as ever. The guys show know signs of wear and tear and still tear through their tracks as fast and as frantic as ever.

Lyrically and thematically they still have their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks. They are still about all the beers and all the partying all the time. Bands like Municipal Waste may think they have the market cornered on Party Thrash but they still have a long way to go before they could even remotely come close enough to touch Tankard

Stand out tracks include the title track “R.I.B. (Rest In Bed)”, “Fooled By Your Guts” which is about the news story from last year about the America guy who’s stomach was fermenting everything he consumed and making him permanently drunk, “Breakfast For Champions” which you can easily work out what that’s about and “The Party Ain’t Over ‘til We Say So” which should pretty much be these guys anthem.

All fans of classic thrash and metal should definitely pick this up and leave it on repeat for a while because its great. Fans of newer thrash should pick this up and see how it should be done, bands like Municipal Waste, Gamma Bomb and Iron Reagan have a lot to learn from these guys

“R.I.B.” is available now


