Awesome Metal Review: Indian – FROM ALL PURITY

Origin: Chicago, Illinois

Genre: Sludge MetalDoom Metal

Released: January 17th, 2014 on Relapse Records

Indian formed in 2003 in Chicago, Illinois, releasing a moderately large sleuth of full-length releases before joining the ranks of Relapse Records. After the critical success of Guiltless in 2011, From All Purity their fifth full-length album, would be released into the light of day in 2014 to coat listeners in a hellish darkness

Indian aims to sound dark, repulsive, and destructive in an audio assault. For the most part, the band does succeed in this effort. The intriguing fusion between sludge, doom, and hints of black metal is carved into a compilation of songs that are slow but absolutely crushing and relentless. The unhinged, tortured vocals (mainly shrieks); thick and murky guitars; background noises, and explosive percussion all coalesce in a purposefully uncomfortable and metaphoric listen.

The album page on Relapse’s website could not have stated it better: “This is the exact opposite of easy listening.”

RIYL: ThouRabbits

Recommended Tracks:

1. Rape

4. Rhetoric of No


Dylan O’Toole – Vocals, Guitars

Will Lindsay – Vocals, Guitars

Ron DeFries – Bass

Bill Bumgardner – Drums