Film Rave #35: Live from Richmond, It’s the All-Encompassing Catch-up Show!

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a special episode of Film Rave! Special in the sense that I’m on a business trip in Richmond, Virginia & haven’t been able to produce an episode. Therefore, today’s show will be somewhat unorthodox. Instead of two main reviews, it’s one large recently watched segment. No breaks, no Dungeon of Horrors, no feedback. Just one continuous recording of recent watches. Though one film could’ve easily been inducted into the Dungeon of Horrors.

The films I discuss are “All Hallows’ Eve”, “Scary Movie”, “Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers”, “Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers”, “Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (Producer’s Cut)”, “Brewster’s Millions”, “The Way Way Back”, “The Internship”, “First Kid”, “12 Years a Slave”, “Tango & Cash”, “Stone Cold”, “Thor: The Dark World”, “The Nest”, “The Heat”, “Outlaw Justice” & “Parental Guidance”.

Can you guess which one would’ve been inducted into the Cinemasochist’s Dungeon of Horrors?