TwitterView: F.A.N.’s (and Cracked’s) own Robert “Bob” Rosati


Who is Robert Rosati? Well first off, I know him mainly as Bob. Many members of the FAN forums do. I’ve “known” him for years and when I started writing for this site (and still) he’s very supportive and helpful. As Robert Rosati (possible alter ego?) he is a free lance writer for . Here’s his profile where you can see the things he’s written It’s mainly blowing my mind. On FAN he normally helps us stroll down forum memory lane and had an idea for “Justifying Evil” well before I thought I came up with it. Want to learn more? Well do it anyway with this TwitterView:


1. If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?

A. Be the change you want to see in the world.


2. What do you think will matter most in your life when you are 90 years old?

A. Assuming I’m still around probably family.


3. What is the worst thing that you will admit to doing?

A. I once spit on the car of a guy who I felt wronged me in a major way. He had it coming.


4. If you could direct any current television show, what would it be any why?

A. WWE by default, I don’t watch much TV these days aside from WWE, the news, gameshows & reruns of shows that are off the air.


5. If someone asked you to tell a joke, what’s the first one that comes to mind?

A. Knock, knock. Who’s there? There r2 brothers Pete and Repeat. What’s the name of the second brother? Repeat. – joke repeats


6. Would you prefer to run a mile without being winded or be able to jump a foot higher than you do?

A. I’d have to go with running the mile, simply because I haven’t jumped all that much in recent years.


7. Pick 15 words to use for the rest of your life. (keep in mind you might want a “the” or “a”)

A.  A, the, what, hi, bye, nice, when, how, why, who, this, you, will. that & and.


8. And finally, the most important question yet, what is your favorite kind of cookie?

A. This is a tough one. After much thought I’d have to say a chocolate chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven.

