TwitterView: Professional wrestler Chaz Warrington


This is the 4th TwitterView. I’ll make the explanation less each time. 8 random questions. Sometimes I have to make them specific (like if we have a former WWF Tag champ) but random they are. The challenge is answering in the limited space of Twitter. Got it?

This week we bring you the thoughts of a man with many names. You may know him as Mosh, Mother Smucker, Beaver Cleavage, Spider #1, the better looking half of Lo Down or simply Chaz. Mr. Warrington sheds a little light on some of his wrestling dreams, his lexicon and even his preference in poultry. So scroll down and learn a little about (according to a quick Google search) this outfielder for Fort Lauderdale’s own nationally ranked kickball team “The Meatballs”.

The Headbangers with the WWF Tag Team Titles


1. If you weren’t a wrestler, where would you be now?

A. No clue. I may be living in a van down by the river.


2. Which do you prefer: Chicken or Turkey?

A. Chicken


3. What’s the worst thing that you will admit to doing?

A. Me, do something bad? Never!


4. Who is your biggest influence in life? If different, who’s the biggest influence to your career?

A. Biggest influence, my dad, I do the opposite of what he would have done. Makes me a tremendous father and husband.

(Career) Macho Man


5. You can only perform one more time, who is it against?

A. Macho Man


6. What 1990s film title best describes your life? Why?

A. Hmmm gotta think on that one


7. Pick 15 words to use for the rest of your life. What are they?

A. Only need 2 “Simply Tremendous”


8. What does the word “tough” mean to you?

A. Tough is facing life and pushing through it and not letting it beat you. Keep on, Keepin on!


And if you don’t mind, can I ask what your favorite metal band is as a bonus?

Honestly don’t have a favorite band. I’m more into the songs

One more thing you may not have known: He helped shave Jeff Jarrett. No pictures of Beaver were shown out of respect.