Dave the Dave’s Review Review: Breaking In

“Breaking In” is my attempt at being a little more current, and it has the “honor” of being cancelled twice in a one year run. It came on the air in April 2011 as the show people turn off after “American Idol” and was cancelled one month later. Then for some reason FOX picked it back up, added Megan Mullally to the cast and managed to kill it off once again. The show managed to squeak out 20 episodes of pretty decent comedy. I for one would watch it every day before its crappy lead in.

I have to say that I feel bad for star of the show Bret Harrison. Sure, he’s a good looking actor with all kinds of money and has been on network television for the better part of decade, but as far as that genre of people goes, he has some bad luck. The guy is a talented hand and while being on the goofy side sometimes, is a funny actor. But this guy can’t get a show to work. All of his shows could be classified as “pretty good” which honestly, I’m shocked isn’t enough to keep them on the air. You may know him from the time he was killed on “That 70’s Show” and replaced with a way worse choice. That was only because he went on to be in “The Loop” which did worse than the show this review is about. His most successful starring venture was on “Reaper” which critics loved, but teen girls watching CW for the dudes from “Supernatural” did not agree.  I mainly like the guy because he’s one of the people from “Grounded for Life” that have done pretty well, and I loved the crap out of that show. So I want Bret to do even better, here’s hoping his next show is a hit.

I'd drop Christian next time.

I am trying not to dwell on the cast, but I’m just going to. I mentioned Megan Mullally, and I have to talk about her too. She is annoying. Flat out. Sometimes that works for her though. On the show “Party Down” she was really funny. On the show “Children’s Hospital” she needs to be shot. Then there is that show about the gay people, which is awful all around. Debra’s messing with our brains. Megan has a definite niche. She is an annoying lady. This show didn’t need that. I get what FOX tried to do. Bring in a fresh face that people know, but it only made fans dislike the show and she didn’t really attract anyone else.

Another name you might know is Christian Slater. You might remember him as Jet Fusion in “Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius.”

This show has all the basic elements of a sitcom. It’s standard stuff, but dressed up in a fun way. They work in a very secretive security company, and get into wacky situations. The base of it though is familiar to the audience, which is another reason this not working is weird. Audiences love something they’ve seen a thousand times, and this was that. I guess it was just a touch too different for their liking. 20 episodes is nothing to sneeze at. It’ll be a nice Netflix show for a lot of people I’m sure.

I might watch it in hope that Trevor starts slow jerking a guy.

The main character is the new kind of dorky guy, his cool black friend is the one that takes to him at work and makes hilarious comments. Think “Hey Arnold” with no weird heads. He falls for a girl who has a douche bag boyfriend and he can’t get her. Then he’s got two wacky bosses and his car gets flipped over. It’s a whole thing, but it’s pretty funny. As flippant as I’m being, I enjoyed the shows I watched to prepare for this guy. I’ll likely watch the rest. I’m not really selling this, but that’s not my job. Don’t look at me. I’m just saying watch it if you’re bored and need some quick laughs. It’ll suffice for that. Season 2 lost some characters since actors left after the first cancellation, further stealing chemistry from the show. It’d be sad, but one of those people was Lex Luthor, so it’s all good.

I mean, look at that hair. It's pure evil

Credit goes to: tvhangover.com, deadline.com, getglue.com, and wikipedia.org.