The Master burns off Torgo’s hand: Justifying Evil!

Today, we will be taking a look back at the cult classic Manos: The Hands of Fate which stars Hal Warren as Michael, Diane Mahree as Margaret, Jackey Neyman Jones as Debbie, John Reynolds as Torgo and Tom Neyman as The Master. Specifically what will be looking back on when The Master burned off Torgo’s hand as well as the events which led to it.

Manos: The Hands of Fate begins with  Michael trying to find The Valley Lodge so his wife and daugher along with their dog Peppy can all have a good time. They keep driving until they stop at the first house they can find where Valley Lodge is close to, that being the house of The Master as they are lost and wish to stay the night. Upon their arrival they see Torgo pictured below standing outside the house.


They ask him if they can stay the night. Repeatedly Torgo says, “The Master would not approve.” Eventaully he agrees to let them stay the night, even though he knows The Master would not approve of this. Just for a moment think about that name The Master. It seems to suggest that The Master is change and as such makes the rules and it the owner of the house. Yet, Torgo had the audacity to let them in against The Master’s wishes.

Later in the film Torgo states that he wants to have one of the six wives of the The Master as his own. While polygamy maybe somehwat questionable the fact of the matter remains that all the wivies are married to The Master. Nevertheless Torgo proceeds to feel upon one of the six wives.

Additionally, Torgo bad mouths The Master. The same Master who is gracious enough to give him a  job. The same man who lets him sleep under his roof, rent free.

Eventually, The Master learns of what Torgo has done and decides that he must be punished and burns off the hand of Torgo.

While some would consider this to be an over the top punishment and extreme, the fact remains that Torgo felt up one of The Master’s wives with his hands.

Additionally, Torgo was also watching Margaret change her clothes through a window, being the pervert that he is.


A famous phrase is don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Torgo did that in Manos. He allowed vistors into the house knowing The Master would not approve. Torgo also bad mouthed his employer.  He got happy hands and felt up one of The Master’s wives. The Master thought the ironic punishment of burning off his hands was in order, you know what so do I.