FAN interview with author Jack Hessey

A few weeks ago, I scoured the FAN forums and interviewed actor Alec Newman. This week, I found another talented soul in the form of author Jack Hessey. His latest book, “True Hero?”, is available now. I interviewed him about that, as well as previous novels and future projects. Enjoy!
1. How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing stories for about 4 years now. My first few attempts at writing stories I failed, got a few chapters in and quit but finally, late 2009/early 2010 I managed to finish my first novel Steam Queen which was a great accomplishment.
Before then I did a bit of writing on quite a few different online role playing sites. Usually Marvel, X-Men and Buffy. I guess been a member of those helped me develop my writing skills alot since you were pretty much playing the role and writing as a variety of different characters with different skills, goals, personalities etc.
2. Did you always want to be an author?
I’ve always fancied it, ever since I was in my early teens I always thought it would be pretty cool to be an author but never really thought it was possible and never really took the goal seriously until a few years ago. Then, shortly after I finished reading the Mortal Engines Quartet by Philip Reeve I just thought “I really want to write, create an awesome world of my own” and so I made a start on Steam Queen.
3. Your latest book, “True Hero?”, was just released. What’s it about?
It’s a superhero fantasy story following a world famous superhero called Stella Stargirl. She’s the most famous and most popular hero in the world and has become a major celebrity with her own television series, video games, a comic book series, a best selling single etc despite (unbeknownst to herself) not being all that powerful. The story follows Stella as she attempts to stop a supervillain who has managed to cause all the other superhumans to lose their powers and is now holding the world to ransom.
A major plotline follows Stella as she discovers her career is built on lies,that she is nothing but a fraud and that she isn’t the superhero she believed herself to be. Most of her battles were set up by her manager and the government to give her easy victories to capitalise on her brand and popularity. It’s sorta influenced by Rockt III were Rcky discovers his past opponents after Apollo were easy opponents handed to him. The novel follows Stella coming to terms with this and trying to prove to herself and the world that she is a true hero.
The Stella character is sort of influenced by David Beckham in the fact that even though she is the most famous hero, there are alot more talented ones out there.
4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be able to time travel. It would be so much fun to travel back to the time of the dinosaurs, cowboy times, go and see pirates and stuff. Also I’d definitly have to take a trip into the future to pick up a Sports Almanac :)
5. Your next book, “Steam Princess”, is going to be a sequel to “Steam Queen”. What’s it about?
Steam Princess is sorta on the backburner. I got partway through and didn’t like the way it was going. Maybe I’ll finish it eventually but the storyline is planned to be set in the north seas near Norway and follows a princess trying to get back her empire from an usurper to the throne. Erica from Steam Queen was due to appear, aiding the main character for her own reasons but the story has ground to a halt at the moment.
Currently I’m working on a sequel to True Hero? instead. This will follow where True Hero? ended with Stella fullfilling her promoise to Enigma to take down The Empire and expose the corrupt board of directors behind the famous superhero team. It’s going pretty well with a good cast of characters and some new, fun villains for  Stella to face.
6. When can we expect it to be released?
Steam Princess? Who knows. As for the True Hero? sequel, Fingers crossed for next year.
7. Any other sequels in the works?
Other than the sequel for True Hero? nothing, although I have been planning another superhero novel with a new cast of characters. Once True Hero? 2 is finished I might make a start on it.
8. What is your favorite book you have written so far?
Steam Queen. I loved Erica (the main character) she was just sick, twisted and different than most YA main characters. Also, it was the first book I finished so it’s quite special to me.
9. You’re currently working on getting your degree in Zoo Biology. Do you plan on continuing writing once this goal is achieved?
Most definitly. I’ll keep on writing until I run out of ideas. I have plenty of time to write and I think that will be the case even when I’ve got a job and stuff
10. Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
Editing really is important. For Steam Queen, I didn’t do much editing and the editor the publisher used didn’t do much of a good job and that is reflected on the reviews, many of which do praise the story, characters etc but mark the novel down because of basic errors. Luckily I learnt from that and True Hero? is much more polished.
Also, promotion is really important once your book is finished. I scrimped with the promotion for Steam Queen initially and at first, it didn’t sell well although sales picked up once I did a bit of promotion for it.
Finally, write what you know and what you like. Many new authors seem to write what they think will sell, regardless of whether they are a fan of the subject area or not which I think is a bad thing to do. If you’re not a fan of what you are writing that will reflect on your work imo. Stick to writing what you like, even if you don’t think others will like it and the story will be so much better.
You can get all of Jack Hessey’s novels at his website:
Make sure to follow Stella Stargirl’s blog for updates on “True Hero?” and it’s sequel: