Pro wrestling Training: Day Two

Over the weekend I was playing backyard football and took a really bad hit. It left me with a mild concussion. My trainers were weary about bumps so instead for my second training I got to run ropes. The following is my journal of my evening.

“I am worried about the concussion. It seems miner, but who knows? I have anxiety. The two hour drive to Mckeesport is a nervous one. I run a red light. I again left very early, but I am not the first person there. A former trainee is there getting ready.

Another trainee arrives and then Crusher, one of the trainers. Before they showed up I did my rolls. Forward, backward and Lucha. I was dizzy after. I feel like that is normal, but is it concussion related?

Brandon walks downstairs and asks if I have been keeping up with cardio. I tell him that I haven’t worked out so I would be in better shape from the concussion stand point.

He was a little worried about it, but had me do the rolls and bumps that I learned. Squat and walking bumps after my rolls.

Instead of bumps tonight, I will run ropes. I am excited. I was looking forward to this. More people arrive, more women. It’s hard to remember everybody’s names.

I run ropes 50 times. They count both rebounds as one. After 50 I break and the others have their lesson. Some are working on transitions from tie up into the headlock. The footwork is more complicated than I ever imagined or noticed.

Next another trainee is taking shoulder blocks. Everyone lines up and hits him until he perfects the bump. Then they line up and take blocks from him. They also work on Crucifix pins. and backslides.

It’s my turn to run ropes again. I was shown two methods. One in which my back and shoulders take most of the impact. This is a little less safe if the ropes malfuction and snap. I will topple backward. The second methond is slightly hitting with my side. The ropes meet my armpit waist and knee. The right foot is horizontal to the bottom rope and left is facing foward.

I choose the second method because my eyesight is so poor that I can’t see the ropes. they are black and the ring is a little dark. I felt more control taking the side method. It only takes 3 to 4 paces between rebounds. Overall I picked this up very quickly. I stomped through it at first. This is just how I run. Needed to adjust. Adjusting my foot work was my only issue.

Running ropes hurts so bad. It is everything they say to expect. I remember on tough enough people being bruised severely. I am bruised severely. Without noticing I start taking the rebound soft. Crusher yells and says to hit them hard. So I do. I hit them as hard as I can. And everyone is watching now. Cheering and clapping at the impact.

I feel their eyes on me and I feel like a star. It’s not jarring to have them watch. It is good practice for live crowds. I break and the wrestlers working a show on Saturday wrestle a series of pracice matches. after they are done. I run ropes again.’

in total I believe I ran 200-500 times. It hurt immediately. Driving home 2 hours was a pain. Showering and laying in bed hurt. Waking up and dressing hurt. Driving hurts. Going to the gym hurts.

I am living the dream.