Dave the Dave’s Review Review: Yabba-Dabba Do! (The Flintstones)

I’m not sure why or how it happened, but I’m pretty sure I reference Fred Flintstone in about 40% of these reviews. I didn’t think this jolly old cave man made such a big impact to my life; I guess I’m not as much of a “Jetsons” guy as I thought. Somewhere in my cavernous childhood memory files Fred and Barney are hidden away continually interjecting themselves into my thoughts. Maybe if I confront them head on this week my personal Great Gazoo will go away.

I think it’s safe to say that “The Flintstones” was the building block for the show “According to Jim”.

Don't take him away, it's not his fault.

Please wait to hear me out before the Water Buffaloes deep six me and use my partially caved in skull as a new bowling ball. This show definitely didn’t suck like Not John Belushi’s, but the comparison is apt. There is a big, dumb, raven haired caveman who constantly schemes and lies to avoid hanging out with a his skinny and too good for him wife. They both should be fawning over them to hope they don’t leave. Both main character both have an equally fat little blonde sidekick that is secretly in love and hoping to please their alpha best friend. The stories only truly diverge when a delicious chocolate cereal forces Fred and his best friend Barney to fight.

I guess they worked it out

Fred and his wife Wilma have it all. They have a nice stone house, a beautiful baby girl named Pebbles and a ton of money considering what I would imagine a dinosaur crane operator would make. Best yet they have a ton of wise cracking appliances, best pal neighbors and a pet Dino(saur).

Not to mention lucrative endorsements

Their best friends are are Barney and Betty Rubble. These two seem way happier and much more suited for each other. Unlike Pebbles, I think their son Bam Bam was on purpose. See how well thought out his name is? they gave him a really great nickname for life. When he’s playing high school rockball (or whatever it is, stoneball) and he can yell his own name when he tackles people. The kid can lift up a car so don’t tell me he won’t be a linebacker. He can also scream “bam bam” later when head cheerleader Pebbles is congratulating him on the big game in the back of a pick-up triceratops.

Their dads look unhappy about it.

“The Jetsons” of course is a similar show. The theory online is that this program takes place below the raised houses in George Jetson’s show. I’ll leave that for the crazy people to discuss. They also similarly have terrible bosses while having very easy jobs. But these kinds of comparisons are older than I am. I’ll just leave you with this great piece of art: